Eurocature 2022

I was proud to be one of four guest speakers at this year’s Eurocature convention in Vienna, the others being Joe Bluhm, Denis Lopatin and Bernd Weidenauer, where I gave a 95 minute talk on the benefits of being the bad guy: BORN BAD. I was honoured to follow in the steps of great caricaturists such as Sebastian Kruger, Jason Seiler, Paul Moyse, Jan Op De Beeck, to name a few. 

Eurocature Artists

It was a five day international convention, attended by over 35 fellow professional caricaturists, who gather once a year to learn new skills and share knowledge of this great art form. I was the only British caricaturist in attendance, with artists from Germany, Vienna, Belgium, France and the USA, making the happy throng.


May offend the Frail, Vain or Ugly!

caricature roast

Don’t just be drawn, be roasted by the most outrageous walkabout caricature artist in the UK. ‘Spot On George‘ is renowned for his amazing likenesses, despite the outrageous exaggerations and genre bending drawing style. He’ll capture you in 4 minutes flat – like it or not, the crowd will love it! Are you ready for a caricature roasting?

These caricatures are not for the Frail, Vain or Ugly and don’t ask him to “BE NICE”!